Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Image Essay # 1

Our one lecture was about triangular hierarchy and how abjects are juxtaposed to show importance. Most times in triangular hierarchy the object at the top of the triangle is the most important or the most dominant. As goes for the objects next to it, they decrease in power as the triangle gets smaller. A lot of times this method is used in DVD covers. For example, the movie Goldmember has Austin Powers as the person that is above everyone else, one because he is the main character and two because he is the most powerful in this movie. The people next to him are Mini Me and his father, the person below him is Cleopatra, a less important character. As for this portrait of the Crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus is the dominant person above all others. Under Jesus there are two angels on each side and below them are his mother Mary and her sister, and other followers of Jesus. If you look at this picture from a different point of view and look from the bottom up, you notice that the triangle goes the opposite way. The eyes of the people in the portrait are all looking up to Jesus and heaven. Again His followers are on the bottom, Mary and her sister, the angels, and finally Jesus. I like how there is multiple meaning to this picture and many different ways you can look at it and interpret it. Could you image the image we would get if this triangle of hierarchy was upside down? Meaning that the entire image was flipped the other way. It would be horrific to anyone who believes in Jesus. And almost degrading in a sense that Jesus is on the bottom of the totem pole. There is a rhyme and a reason as to why this artist put these people in a certain order, they did not just place people in random places.

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