Thursday, April 12, 2007

Image essay # 12

This picutre was drawn by the artist Eric Fischl. Most of this artists' work are becoming of age stories. This picture is of a man and a woman in the bedroom with little or no clothes on or even appearing to be getting dressed. When I looked at this picture many things ran threw my mind. At first it just looks like a nornal every day picture, like one you would shoot from a camera. Then as I was doing some background on this painting I found that this painting was part of a series. The was the third painting and was called Bedroom Scene #3 . This series of work was showing the "fantasy" of two people becoming intimate with each other. Each painting showed a different scene, and by looking at each picture by it self it let the imagination fill in the gaps as to what was going on, but with the pictures all together, the viewer could put together the entire story.
I also noticed that in this painting there was a complimentary color scheme going on; with the red and green. I thought it was very surprising and risky to but such chromatic colors in the background. Usually colors that bold are placed in the foreground wanting to jump off the page. Also, the white is very vibrant in this picture and I feel it adds a lot of depth to the painting. It looks like the bright early morning sunshine, or even the bring moonlight is coming through the window illuminating the back of the painting. I like this risk and I think it works very well!

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